WSO2 carbon building process
WSO2 carbon [1] server which serves as the base for all the WSO2 products is built based on OSGi technology [2]. This blog post aims to briefly explain the code spaces that involves when building carbon server from source. Steps to be followed to build WSO2 carbon 4.2.0 code base is explained in "Building from source" page [3]. After building kernel code space you can find the working carbon server pack at the <local-kernel-directory>/distribution/product/modules/distribution/target directory. User do not have to build platform code space to get the base carbon server, platform space needs to be built only if user needs another specific product like WSO2 ESB. When user issues maven command with necessary build phases (Ex - mvn clean install) in their terminal from location <local-kernel-directory>, maven build process starts building checked out code in the following order. dependencies parent service-stubs core features samples distribution Thes...