Creating a Microsoft Azure DevOps account


In this blog post, we are going to create a Microsoft Azure DevOps account, which we are later going to use with an Azure account we created earlier to deploy developed applications.


1. You will need an email account that is not used to create an Azure Devops account previously. In this case, I'm using a newly created Gmail account.

2. You need an Azure account (which you can create following the instructions on my previous post), and use it to log in to the Azure portal in the browser you are going to follow the following steps.


1. Navigate to

2. Click "Start free" on the web page, and it will lead to the following web page.

3. Click on the "Switch Directory" link next to your email address and select "Default directory" in the resulting list. This will redirect you to the following page where you get to select your region and click "Continue".

4. Next, you will get the organization creation page. Give your DevOps organization a name, select your region, fill in the captcha and click "Continue".

5. And your DevOps organization will be created.

6. Following is the page you will see after the organization is created. Here you can create a project to try out Azure DevOps features. 

7. I gave the name "firstProject" and clicked "Create Project", which lead to the following web page, where you can try out different aspects of the project.

This concludes the creation of your Azure DevOps account and the first DevOps project. In the next blog post, we will create an Azure DevOps projet using a sample project and try out build pipelines.


In my case, I tried creating the project by clicking "Continue" on the page shown in step 2 and received the following error page with message "Oops! Something happened. Please check our support page for service updates, and try again later". 

Notice that this page allows you to create the organization and the project. However, clicking "Continue" on the above page redirected me to the same page with a different captcha each time. So I tried switching the directory as mentioned in step 3 to select the default directory and continue the organization creation process. 


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